So This Is What Happened

We Figured Out Dexter’s First Job Was At A Slaughter House 😅

So This Is What Happened.... Season 3 Episode 2

Finally got the audio back to where it needs to be, shroom room coming together, man caves and she shacks, Rashad thinking about a kid, Bible baby names, Christ & Elijah, Christ fasting for 40 days and Baarons Father doing 30 days, Rashad acting like he going to fast 😏, YouTube university Degrees, Rashad be slacken 🤷🏾‍♂️, we still trying to figure out live, Im still trying to get Rashad to do more, we trying to figure out how my 600 pound life is a real thing, how it puts fear in heavyset people watching it, sugar addiction and Baaron admitting he is one…….and needs help 🥺, Rashad apologizes about the sauces, fat gamers that talk shit, kids and how they cost Baaron nearly $1600 a month on food, FoodMax be having the joog though, what the Health and How ruthless slaughter houses are, Baaron still nervous to watch Dexter, why/how is Zimmer man still alive?,